If you are having a hard time paying your bills bankruptcy can be a way for you to get rid of some or all of your debt. You must pass the bankruptcy means test to be eligible to file a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy. The only times you do not have to pass the means test is when...
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Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
How Often Can You File Bankruptcy?
It sometimes becomes necessary to file bankruptcy more than once. As an experienced bankruptcy attorney will tell you, while unfortunate, it is not rare. The need to refile often occurs as the result of unexpected circumstances, such as a job loss or medical expenses....
Can I Get Rid of My Medical Bills if I File Bankruptcy?
Medical debt is a major reason that people file bankruptcy. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau indicates that $88 billion of outstanding medical bills are currently in collections-affecting one in five Americans. According to U.S. News & World Report, many...
Don’t Let Social Media Ruin Your Bankruptcy Case!
Social media sites such as Instagram, Facebook and TikTok continue to grow in popularity. These sites have impacted many aspects of society, including the practice of bankruptcy law. While social media sites give people a chance to connect with friends and family,...
Can I Keep My Tax Refund If I File Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?
As tax season approaches, we are often asked “can I keep my tax refund if I file a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?” This blog will provide a general answer to this question. It is important, however, to consult a bankruptcy attorney to determine the best strategy for your...
Protecting Your Co-Debtor in Bankruptcy
When you file bankruptcy your co-debtors can be affected. How they are affected depend mostly on the type of debt is involved and whether you file a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy. In this blog we will discuss the impact of your bankruptcy filing on your...
12 Things to Know About the Meeting of Creditors in a Chapter 7 NJ Bankruptcy
Do you have overwhelming debt that you cannot pay and are thinking about filing bankruptcy to get a fresh start? A common question people ask us when they are thinking about filing bankruptcy is, “will I have to go to Court if I file bankruptcy?” In almost all cases,...
Are Homeowners Association Fees Discharged in Bankruptcy?
Are homeowners’ association (HOA) fees and assessments dischargeable in bankruptcy? This is a question we often get from people who live in condominiums or communities that require all homeowners to be a part of an HOA and pay monthly fees and sometimes special...
5 Reasons Why Bruce Levitt Is The Right NJ Bankruptcy Lawyer for You
Filing for bankruptcy can be a stressful and overwhelming experience, but having the right bankruptcy lawyer by your side can make all the difference. Bruce Levitt, a partner at Levitt and Slafkes in Maplewood, New Jersey, is an experienced NJ bankruptcy lawyer who...
Why You Need a Bankruptcy Attorney Who Can Offer Personalized Attention
If you are reading this blog, you are likely overwhelmed with unmanageable debt and have decided to see if bankruptcy might help. You should commend yourself for taking the first step to improve your finances and know you don’t have to approach this process alone. We...